Weaning adventures
I have been asked to blog about weaning. So let me start and tell you that I am not a doctor, a health visitor or any kind of nutritionist or professional to offer advice on weaning. I am here to tell you what we did and what has worked for us so far. I do not want to hear from any weaning warriors or from the baby led mafia about how I chose to wean my baby. My baby is now weaning baby led. I started on the traditional method of first tastes and it didn't work for us so at 6 months I changed to baby led weaning. I will explain the process of this and what worked for me. I have unfortunately seen many a mummy criticised on social media for saying her baby is baby led and is given purees. This combination is understandable and works for so many. I would have preferred this method but my strong willed child takes the spoon and feeds herself creating a marvellous mess. My weaning method is we started traditional and now use baby led it was a slow swap and was done with professio...