Breastfeeding and coming to terms with failure
This post is going to effect many people. Breastfeeding is a huge debate in the parenting community. Everyone has their story and it is a journey for many and for me it left me with post natal depression and I feel finally ready to talk about it. For every mum how you feed you child is always discussed in your pre baby clinic. Some don't wish to breastfeed and some do, for me I said of course I wanted to, it was so important to me. I attended the bf clinics, I bought the tops, the bras, the nipple cream and nursing pillows, I even had a bulk supply of nipple pads and Jaffa cakes for those late night feeds, I was completely ready wasn't I.?? I even harvested colostrum before she was born so I was ready with super special milk incase she was poorly. Well I didn't expect this. I had a super speedy birth ( that's not a good thing) after practicing hypnobirthing and calm births I was induced due to health complications and my body effectively did in 4...