Moving day

Goodbye first home.

They say a house is made of walls and beams a home is made of love and dreams. This is very true.

This wasn't our first house, we rented many a house but this was our first home. We saved and searched and went looking for a house, we wanted a deteached, 3 bed with off road parking. We purchased a 2 bed cottage without the desired parking and it was end of terrace. I might be crazy but we just fell in love at first sight, the pub three doors down might have also been an influence.

Four years ago we were living in the north west in a house with a awful neighbour, the hubby was working away all the time and we decided to move back to the north east. Back to all our friends from uni, back to nights of fun and most importantly back to the parmo.
Well that didn't go to plan, friends from uni grow up and move on, there are some I've not even seen in the three and a half years we've been back. Parmos also make you fat.

What did happen tho was we made a start on our future.

We got the keys, we got the paint and I wasted many a night on Pinterest. We started creating our home.

Then something amazing happened, after 7 years of drunken begging and occasional tears I eventually wore him down enough to propose. So after a night in the beautiful village restaurant we stumbled into our cottage and he seemed to fall into one knee and asked me to become his wife.

So fast forward three years, we got married, we created a human and stumbled into the house again but this time with a baby and with no idea what on earth had just happened and how we were going to manage to care for this human they gave to us. At least she had a warrantee right? No manual, no clue, this was to become our final page in the chapter of the honeymoon period.

No more drunken nights out, no more lye ins, no more Saturday kitchen in bed with a bacon butty. Life has changed. Now we drink wine on the sofa and compete over who is more tired, we have a morning routine of bottle preparation and bum changes and I sometimes forget it's the weekend because every single day feels the same. But it's all wonderful because everyday is filled with this smiley, chubby cheeked human we created called Squeak.

So on moving day here's a soppy sentimental look back at the last chapter and big smile towards the new beginning of life in the Dales.

Our Dales adventure begins.


  1. I love the fact that he stumbled on to one knee drunk! All this happened in our old flat too and I felt very nostalgic when we left, but a new adventure is so exciting and many more nights of Pinterest lie ahead of you (and me - 2 years after we moved in)!! Thinking of you all today xx


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